Category: Wellness

Is Vaping Dangerous?

Vaping is the inhalation of vapor created by heating chemical, water, and marijuana or nicotine-based products. Since its development by a pharmacist in the ‘60s, vaping has quickly been taken up by the European and North American markets in the…

Dr. Kami Hoss: Checklist for Picking the Right Dentist

The worse fear of many people is picking the worng dentist and ending up in a torture chambder doubling as a dentist chair. This fear is so prevalent among some people that that they end up in therapy because of…

5 Common Personal Injury Cases

Personal injuries can happen for one of two reasons. A person may sustain a personal injury due their own fault or because of someone else’s fault. If it is due to someone else’s fault then the matter can be resolved…

Could You Be Healthier at This Point in Your Life?

When you stop for a moment to assess your health, are you happy with what you feel and see? Many individuals are likely going to say that they could in fact be healthier. Whether a bad diet, no workouts, or…

Beginners Gym Tips 101

Keep It Simple When you’re getting started, don’t worry about getting super technical with your workouts. Start with super simple movements and exercises that feel natural, so cardiovascular exercises such as cycling, running, swimming, or resistance moves like bicep curls,…