Category: Entertainment

The Ultimate Experience Guide About VR Casino

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a casino? Most people automatically start to envision a Las Vegas gambling joint that comes with a picturesque hall with beaming lights, cocktail waitresses in the background…

5 Myths about the Lottery that Simply Aren’t True

When a lottery offers a jackpot worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you probably become quite excited about purchasing lottery tickets. But if you don’t end up winning the jackpot, you may reach the conclusion that winning the lottery is…

A Breakdown of Slots

An estimated 70% of Casino floor space is taken up by the well-loved Slot Machine. But regular old fruit machines aren’t the only way to play. From high stakes to online slots, the world of machine gambling covers a huge…

Using Strategy in a Multi-Deck Blackjack Game

Card-counting with a single deck of cards? Easy enough! Well, it’s achievable for most people with enough time to practice and get the skills down. If you can count the cards then strategy becomes a lot simpler as you have…

Choosing the Best Online Casino Site to Partner With

Online casinos are becoming increasingly popular not only because of the prizes at stake but also for the convenience they offer. Not all places have a casino that people can easily go to. With online casinos, it does not matter…

The Digital Revolution in the Entertainment Industry

If anyone was in doubt, it’s surely now clear that the digital revolution is here. Digitalization has infiltrated every aspect of modern life, from consigning the office filing cabinet to the scrap heap at work to transforming tedious bus journeys…

Gaming Can be a Power-up for IT?

People might be interested in whether or not gaming can be a power-up for IT? The IT market is not as strong as some people might think. Given the IT boom that has occurred over the course of the past…

3 Best Social Media Innovations of the month of August

Social media companies are enhancing the features on their platforms to give users the best experience. Give your friends money on their birthdays via Facebook On August 16, the social media giant announced a new feature. The feature allows you…