Category: Tech

What Soft-Landing Do You Have for a Website Crash?

Regardless of the function of your website, a good contingency plan against an outage is important for its success. Whether it is merely for blogging or generating income as an Ecommerce site, you don’t want it to be offline for…

What kind of telescope user are you?

If you have been thinking about getting a telescope, but you find it extremely hard to make up your mind about which model you should select, we’re going to give you a hand. Not all users are the same, which…

8 Tips to Take Better Pictures when You’re Indoors

Indoor photography is incredibly difficult and most amateur photographers don’t even attempt it. They worry that they simply do not have the right tools and equipment, and particularly lighting, to create a good shot. However, renowned expert Charles Nucci feels…

Online Reviews Can Save Your Business: Here’s How

The reality today is that many smaller online businesses eventually buckle to the pressure brought on by big brands because of their reputation. Big brands have mastered the art of generating leads, attracting customers to their websites and product sales….

Things to Consider When Picking Your Domain Name

Selecting a domain name is one of the first steps to consider when building a new website. If you really want to make money online, start with a solid foundation – a memorable and search engine friendly domain name. Your…

Is the iPad the king of tablets?

Shopping for a tablet is hard work. When they entered the market, they were a novelty that did a few more things than your smartphone, but less than your computer. Nowadays though, there are so many things you can use…

Future Concept: Human Teleportation, Plausible?

Are you thinking about the future? Perhaps, the future you are concerned with is your life success or future solutions to your perennial problems, especially in terms of finances. Part of being able to live life the way you want…

Understanding and Measuring Customer Loyalty

At the core of every business is its need to understand how customers view their relationship. From this understanding, a business can focus on developing sales, marketing and customer service strategies that translate into sales. To appreciate customer loyalty, we…

5 Electronic Items You Shouldn’t Leave in the Car

Several years ago, the security software provider, Symantec, ran a field test to determine what happens to lost cell phones. The test results revealed that almost every time a lost cell phone was found, the finder attempted to access the…

4 Unorthodox Uses of Drones by Businesses Today

When we hear the word “drone”, one of the first things that come to mind is military warfare. It probably not your fault, seeing as the media mostly portrays Unarmed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as a combative weapon for immobilizing terrorist…