Category: Wellness

Do I need to get my hearing tested?

Do you need to take a hearing test? It can be a tricky question to answer for some people, because hearing isn’t something that the doctor will normally check. Sometimes we refuse to believe that our hearing is worsening, or…

Acne Treatment – What You Need to Know to Get Rid of Acne

Almost everyone has suffered from a spot, pimple or blackhead at one time or another, but many people, especially teenagers, suffer from acne which can persist. This can lead to other problems such as low self esteem, embarrassment and a…

Health benefits of slow juices

In the last few years it has increased interest around beverages made from fruits and vegetables and their benefits. It is a healthy and natural way to treat our body obtaining many advantages for the health. Everybody knows importance of…

The Future of Wearable Health Technology

The advent of the smartphone heralded a new era of wearable technology, introducing the idea of a personal area network. Now multiple devices can be worn and communicate with each other while assisting you in your everyday life. One of…

Trying to save energy? Some measures you’ll want to consider

It’s no secret that we use way too much energy, especially in the United States. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, the total annual per-capita energy consumption in the US is 98,814 kilowatt hours every year. Compare this to…

7 industrial accidents you can avoid with proper precautions

Employers have a responsibility to protect their workers and should be adhering to the proper health and safety regulations to reduce industrial accidents. In many cases, industrial accidents could be avoided if the proper security measures were taken. These are…

Understanding Common Contact Lens Problems

Popular contact lenses, like the 1-Day Acuvue Moist brand, can be an incredible asset for many people who need vision correction. These small lenses can make it possible for people to see clearly without worrying about bulky glasses, but that does not mean…

Will You Still Need Your Glasses After Laser Eye Surgery?

Most individuals who have had to wear contacts or glasses will be thrilled at the prospect of not having to wear them anymore. Laser eye surgery is one of the promising procedures used to permanently correct or improve your vision….