Types and Ways to Treat Yeast Infection like Candida Albicans

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It is widely known that the skin is the largest organ of a human’s body, which function is to protect your body from any kinds of infection. This means to say that your skin gets infected too.

Now, skin infections can be caused by a wide variety of bacteria, germs, fungi, or viruses and its symptoms can vary from mild to serious infections. With this said, the treatments highly depend on the severity of the symptoms.

If your symptoms are of mild infection, then it may be treatable with over-the-counter medications and some home remedies. However, if it is severe, then you might need medical attention and medication like cancidas to help you treat the infection.

Additionally, skin infection varies since there are lots of skin infections that might infect an individual. As for today, we will be discussing the ways to prevent and treat yeast infection like candida albicans, one of the skin infections that might affect you.

Want to know more? Then read on to learn more about skin infections and what can you do to treat them.

What is Candida Albicans?

Candida albicans is a microorganism that is a part of a human’s natural microflora which commonly lives inside our bodies. This can be found in the mouth, GI tract, and the vagina. It is the most prevalent cause of why people experience fungal infections.

Now, this microorganism does not cause issues most of the time, but the complication that it might bring is not off of the charts since its overgrowth is possible which causes infections to develop and occur.

What are the Types of Candida Albicans Infection?

Different types of candida albicans will be discussed down below. With this, we will explore its causes, symptoms, and its treatment so that you will know what to do if by chance you might, unfortunately, experience one of these conditions.

The following types of candida albicans are the most common types of Candida infection which includes the following:

Urinary Yeast Infection

Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI for short, is one of the effects of the candida species which is the most common cause for the said infection. Now, candida urinary tract infection can occur in the lower part of an individual’s urinary tract (or in some cases ascends up to the kidneys).

So, what is it that risks you of developing Candida UTI? First off is taking a course of antibiotics, then having some medical device inserted, or health complications like diabetes and a weakened immune system.

What are its Symptoms?

People with a Candida UTI usually don’t have any symptoms. However, if the symptoms are indeed present, then it might include an increased need to urinate, the painful sensation when or during every time urinating.

Additionally, some abdominal or pelvic pain and blood in the urine might be felt or experienced if ever symptoms show.

What is its Treatment?

The treatment for this condition is only recommended for those people that are symptomatic individuals. If by chance you have a catheter in place, then it should be removed.

There might be antifungal drugs that like cancidas, which can be bought at a local pharmacy with a cancidas coupon.

Genital Yeast Infection

Genital yeast infection is the effect of candida albicans, the most common cause for this infection. So, what happens here? Well, a type of bacteria called as Lactobacillus keeps the amount of Candida under control in the genital area.

However, if the Lactobacillus levels are disrupted due to some causes, then the Candida can overgrow and develop into an infection. Also, you can develop a Candida genital infection if you are sexually active or after participating in certain sexual activities that involve oral-genital contact.

Other than those causes, healthy individuals cannot escape from this infection since one can be at risk if you have:

  • Taken antibiotics recently
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Oral contraceptives or on hormone therapy
  • And is pregnant.

What are the Symptoms?

The symptoms of this infection might include a burning feeling during urination or sex; itchy or painful feeling in the vagina area; irritation around the vagina; abnormal vaginal discharge; rash around the vagina or penis.

How Can it Be Treated?

This type of infection can be treated depending on how severe it is. For instance, if you have mild or moderate genital candida infection then it can be treated with an over-the-counter drug or prescription like antifungal creams, suppository, or pills.

If you have a complicated infection, then you might possibly be prescribed on a longer course of medication.

What to Remember?

If you are experiencing any of the said symptoms above, then you should immediately seek for a doctor’s attention in order to know what you should do and be able to treat the infection as soon as possible.