Search Results for: ear

Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

There are many ways that we are all able to make changes to help with Carbon footprint but you may be wondering what Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Some things are so much simpler than we may think and…

Dos And Don’ts Of Videoconferencing

It’s fairly strange to think that many people have been working remotely for a year now due to COVID-19, and yet there are still so many mistakes made during videoconferencing. It was acceptable at the beginning for things to go…

Get More Out Of Your Smartphone Camera

The cameras on the smartphones available in 2021 are pretty extraordinary. For something that you carry around in your pocket ever day, they take better photos than some of the top-of-the-range DSLRs from just a few years ago. Sure, a…

Do Blue Light Glasses Really Work?

Blue light glasses have been around for a few years now and have always been popular with people spend long hours staring at their computer screens – gamers and office workers mostly. The idea is that the blue lens on…

The Best Road Trips In Europe

There’s nothing better than a road trip to discover and explore new places. You can truly get the best of both worlds when you drive across Europe – the excitement of the big cities and the escape into the countryside….

Airplane Travel In The Time Of COVID-19

The way we travel seems like it has been forever changed. However, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t feel confident that we can travel safely for business or for pleasure. It’s important to remember that the risk of catching infectious…

Who Tops the Canadian Stock Market with the Dawn of 2021?

The year 2020 has seen the stock market plummet in March and then pick up almost immediately for some industries and companies. With the massive job losses and disrupted global economy, the pandemic has triggered an unexpected investing revolution with…

Why Tiktok Blew Past Other Social Media Platforms

TikTok is not only one of the most popular but also one of the most interesting social media applications. It is essentially a short video-making app that lets users do tons of both serious, entertaining things and some random goofy…

7 Ways To Cosy Up Your Apartment Balcony

Seven Ways To Transform Your Balcony When you live in an apartment, the lack of square feet can often feel very limiting. If you have a balcony, however, your potential to enjoy a cosy area year-round doubles. Here are some…