5 Ways to Learn More about Yourself

There are many Ways to Learn More about Yourself

It’s never easy finding out how you will cope in a pressure situation, unless you’re actually in a pressure situation. From a theoretical perspective, a calm demeanor works well in all situations. But unless an individual is thrust into a tough predicament, it’s difficult to tell precisely how he or she will act. Responsible behavior is imperative when everyone around you is running amok, but how do you know that group hysteria won’t reel you in and turn you into a hooligan? The point being: it’s difficult to know how we will react in certain situations unless we have experienced them firsthand. Here are several pressure situations that everyone ultimately finds themselves in at some point or another.

An Emotional Relationship with a Loved One

Everyone aspires towards an idyllic relationship. Picture it: Sitting together on a deck at sunset, vacantly staring out at the lake. Unfortunately, relationships rarely run smooth. When we invest in other people, we open up to the possibility of getting hurt. Many pressure situations emerge in relationships, and it’s how we deal with them that determines our success or failure. Angry outbursts, emotional roller coasters, yelling, screaming and abuse have no place in a loving relationship. Relationships that stand the test of time are based on mutual respect, understanding and trust.

A Stressful Job Will Test Your Nerves like Nothing Else

Buried in work? Is your boss a battle-axe? Chances are that everyone of us will take a job at some point and we will be pressured by our boss. Sometimes we are unlucky enough to have multiple bosses applying pressure from all sides. If you find yourself in such a situation, your nerves will be tested to the max, and your resolve will be pushed to breaking point. There is no better way to learn more about yourself than by immersing yourself in the workplace and getting dumped on by everyone around you. This typically happens when you are employed at a lower level. The best way to avoid this feeling of being overwhelmed, or disrespected, is to work hard at being the best you can be. Education will push you up the ladder quicker than working your way up from the mailroom to the boardroom.

Getting into a Pressure Situation in a Competitive Game

Do you play games? Everyone plays games. One of the most competitive games on the planet is poker. Some people are experts at mind games, but let’s leave that to the relationship deal-breakers. The types of games that we’re talking about are the competitive games where people play for a title, and a handsome stash of cash. Poker is the world’s #1 most popular strategy-based card game. Of course, blackjack purists will disagree, but the poker aficionados have way more traction. In a poker contest, especially a Heads-Up situation, the action gets ratcheted up to fever-pitch levels. When you’re going head-to-head against another player for a massive poker pot, there is nothing more nerve-racking. Ask any poker pro how they feel when it comes down to just 2 players in the showdown. Do you play aggressively? Do you play passively? Do you mix it up and bluff? You will only know your place in the poker pack when you’re in the situation at Ground Zero.

Being a Responsible Person When Everybody’s Having Fun

We all know how it feels to be the designated driver when everybody’s going out tailgating. It’s no fun, but somebody’s got to do it. When you are out with your mates, having a blast, the complexion of the evening will take on an entirely different perspective when you are the one driving all the drunkards home at the end of the night. True, you may not have as much fun and your perspective of the evening will certainly be different than your friends. But, this is one way to learn more about yourself as a responsible human being.

Having Some Alone Time Is the Best Way to Learn More about Yourself

Introspection is a fantastic thing. It allows us to ponder long and hard about whatever it is that’s troubling us, or whatever it is that we’d like to do with our lives. Sometimes, a little timeout is all that’s needed to gain perspective on our daily lives. Instead of engaging in conflict, it’s best to disengage and think. Words uttered in anger or angst can never be unsaid. However, a calm demeanor and a cool head will always win out in the end. These 5 tips will help you whether you are playing a high-stakes game of poker, babysitting your neighbor’s kids, buried in work, or you’re the designated driver. Breathe. Smell the coffee – live to fight another day.