Before writing a Novel, certain disciples and tips need to be followed. Of course, writing and rewriting a paragraph is normal at the beginning. But while building up a novel, there are certain rules to follow. to sum up, for instance; take creative breaks. Sitting in one place all the time does not do much for exercising those creative muscles. Try drawing, painting, or taking a look at some classic novels, or some themed slot games such as the online slots available at Kitty Bingo. You will find the likes of Riches of Wonderland, Wizard of Oz Ruby Slippers, and The Phantom of the Opera to name, but a few. Here are more tips to try while writing your new novel…
- When writing a novel, you need to catch the reader’s attention, it is important to do this especially at the beginning of the novel – this will make the reader stick to the book.
- Reading your novel out loud will make sure what you are writing is making sense or it sounds right. You can reread or rewrite, start afresh if possible because practice makes perfect.
- Write down everything you see or hear interesting and hold on to that phase, you can keep a diary or a journal for that. This will keep you inspired, and you can refer to it whenever you want. You can always play around with your words, put a word before another, or have fun with your writing!
- When you see you are overdoing it, remember to do back exercises, you can also meditate or go for a long walk. Like Esther Freud said – ‘’Don’t wait for inspiration. Discipline is the key’’.
- Keep changing the ideas, write them down, modify them, and keep looking for better ones.
- Keep a plan for the day and finish it, as you know procrastinating is never a good idea. Set yourself deadlines if that helps.
- You can also go to shows or talks where famous authors chat about their success. This will give you more ideas and you can measure where you are with your writings.
- If you are writing on a computer, always remember to save it and keep backups. Try to be accurate with your ideas.
- When you start writing, do it every day! Choose your time wisely where there is no disturbance. Do not give up on what you’ve started. Keep a plan for the day, and search for interesting verbs and a story with rhythm. You can edit it! Your writing, your rules.
- Always remember to set a total word count.
- Feedback is important, yet do not feel upset, if someone gives you negative feedback, this will indeed help you with making your novel better.
- Keeping a copy of your novel is also important, you can write down what you’ve missed out in the first book, this will help make it better.
Jeff Goins, a famous American Author said: ‘’Before you can launch a bestseller, you have to write a bestseller’’