First dates can be exciting as well as risky and tricky, right? Having a perfect first date is surely a delicate business. It can be awkward too as you don’t really know the person you are meeting for the first time in your life. Sometimes London escorts seems like a better plan but you can’t even ignore the fact that you are developing feelings for your special ones. Of course. First dates always make you want to die but you have to do it if you want the right partner in your life. Totally.

To achieve perfection in the first date, avoid horrible situations and increase the chances of getting more dates with the same person by making the first impression totally solid, here are some necessary do’s and don’ts’ for you to follow and keep in mind as well.
● Be yourself.
● Be on time or you’ll land a really bad first impression! At least let the other person know that you are going to be late.
● Dress up cute. Know the right outfit that would look hot on you. It will boost your confidence and believe me, your efforts won’t go unnoticed!
● Choose a tempting and attracting place to date. Never pick locations like your bedroom or living room.
● Don’t let your stress, nervousness and anxiety take the best of you.
● Be real, authentic and most of all, be honest!
● Be frank, approachable and kind. Stay in the right state of mind.
● Respect the person you are dating. Mandatory!
● Make the meeting comfortable by opening up.
● Avoid using your phone and give the undivided to the person you are dating. Excuse yourself if you really want to take the call.
● Make sure you let the other person feel that you are enjoying with them. Smile more.
● Set your posture. Sit straight and upright.
● Learn some table manners first. Don’t eat like it’s your last meal on Earth and surely don’t chew loudly or with your mouth open and lastly, please don’t lick your fingers!
● Initiate the conversation first to break the ice of awkwardness.
● Don’t ask about his/her exes and don’t talk about yours too. No one wants to hear about your past relationships.
● Don’t just keep talking and ranting about useless stuff which doesn’t interest your date. Ask questions about themselves. Listen! Showing interest in the other person is a technique that attracts.
● Don’t act like you are too desperate to marry or want to have kids ASAP.
● Don’t make promises on the first date that you can’t deliver later.
● Never mention your insecurities.
● Never talk about the bills you have to pay or the loans you have taken. Don’t make this stupid mistake.
● Don’t be fake. Don’t act like you are Brad Pitt or Angeline Jolie.
● Don’t ask too many personal questions. You’ll look creepy and clingy.
● Never let your frustrations out on the person you are dating.
● Don’t ask questions about height and weight.
● Don’t reveal that have you have stalked him/her.
● Don’t drink too much that you end up dosing off.
● Don’t ask about his/her salary.
● Don’t give too much importance right away.