Tag: technology

Border Control: The Technology Behind Our Protection

Authorities around the world have taken a greater focus on border control, especially when monitoring what comes in and goes out of a country. Join us as we take a look at the new technology that is being introduced to…

Things to Consider Before Starting an Online Venture

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/266176/pexels-photo-266176.jpeg Being your own boss is a dream that everyone has, and in the digital age, it is more feasible to accomplish than ever before in human history. It has come to the point where you don’t even have…

What kind of telescope user are you?

If you have been thinking about getting a telescope, but you find it extremely hard to make up your mind about which model you should select, we’re going to give you a hand. Not all users are the same, which…

Beginner Tips for Wildlife Photography

Lots of people who like photography focus on nature and wildlife photography. This type is both challenging and incredibly reward. Today, with DSLR cameras being readily available, most people can dabble in it. As for those interested in the cinematic…

Nanotech And The New Generation Of Medicine

   Image source: http://en.fatim.iums.ac.ir The world today is much different technologically than it was 100 years ago although we still have similar ailments that affect our bodies. There are some things that technology along with medicine has helped us overcome…

Future Concept: Human Teleportation, Plausible?

Are you thinking about the future? Perhaps, the future you are concerned with is your life success or future solutions to your perennial problems, especially in terms of finances. Part of being able to live life the way you want…

Best POS System for Small Businesses?

When it comes to POS Systems, you want to have a system in place that works well for you, helping you to streamline credit and debit card payments as well as receive your payments in a timely manner. As a…

4 Unorthodox Uses of Drones by Businesses Today

When we hear the word “drone”, one of the first things that come to mind is military warfare. It probably not your fault, seeing as the media mostly portrays Unarmed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as a combative weapon for immobilizing terrorist…