In the age of technology, it could be argued that books have made way for other hobbies. However, it remains that without books, whether in the form of paper and ink or an ebook, our education and lives would be remiss. Books are bursting with knowledge and experiences that we learn from. Readers can escape into a world far from their own, travel close, or far to experience different lives and cultures that shape their own perspectives on the world. Today we bring you the five must-read books of all times. So put your feet up and enjoy a good read!
We start off with Dickens’ Great Expectations; a title the befits this book as it meets all expectations. Released as a series in 1860 – 1, it highlights the injustice of Victorian England, has a beautiful love story, and a character that you fall in love with as you grow up alongside him, watching him make mistakes and trying his best to rectify them. Grownups will receive a refresher course of the values that are important for a fulfilled life while children are given a lesson on the importance of love, loyalty, and how to navigate a moral dilemma. This book is a real lesson for life.
Next, we have the beautiful story of Jane Eyre published by the talented Charlotte Bronte in 1847. Another orphan who goes through a difficult time and highlights the lives of women in the Victorian era; little control over their lives and stifled by society’s expectations. If you are a sucker for a love story, look no further, this book is for you! You will enjoy Jane’s story as she navigates her way to her Mr. Rochester.
Our recommendations would be remiss without the great Bard; so, our next book, is a beautiful play by Shakespeare. The Tempest is filled with interesting characters and is relevant today as we look at Caliban’s treatment because he is different. A highly versatile play, it offers many perspectives to ponder over. While some consider it a love story, others believe that it highlights a young woman’s naïve nature. It is a book that is brilliant to talk about!
Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is another inspiring book that will bring you to tears. As you read on, you witness the true friendship between two men who make the most of their circumstances. While Lennie is deserving of your love, you cannot help but lose a piece of your heart to George, who ultimately does the right thing by Lennie. A beautifully crafted story with interesting characters.
The adventures of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll is another must-read on our list. It depicts the story of a little girl who falls through a rabbit hole and experiences a fantastical world with strange creatures. Caroll reveals the world through the innocence of children’s eyes and this is beautiful to read!
Many Heroes found in books have been fuelling imaginations and entertaining us for many years. They are so well-known that most of them have inspired online slots. For instance, Aspers.com offers a collection of book-themed slots. Once you sign up on the site, you can take on the persona of your favourite heroes as you compete against some nasty supervillains. The best thing is that you can win some interesting prizes for defeating these villains. You will find these games at Aspers Casino slots online. Take some time and give them a whirl.