Photo by CC user Helen.Yang on Flickr.
No matter if you wake the instant your alarm goes off every morning, you still may be pressed for time. If you still want to look like a million bucks, but shave off minutes getting ready each day, you may find the following 6 tips best at helping you get out the door quickly.
Have a Plan
If your morning starts off in a flurry each day, you may not have time to relax and enjoy a mug of coffee. Whether you’re getting children off to school or you’re rushing off to work, your morning rituals can be a chore. To help speed up your routine, you want to start by having a plan. The night before, take time to decide on the outfit that you’ll be wearing the next day. If you have a business meeting, make sure your clothes are laundered and pressed. If your day includes errands and carting children to school, prepare your casual attire by laying out the items on a chair or hangers in your closet. You’ll cut a significant amount of time looking for the perfect outfit doing it the evening before.
Stylish Strands
It can be really tough to get perfectly coiffed hair when your time is limited in the morning. Brazilian deep wave offers a natural look while blending your own hair with a hair extension system. Because the hair is soft and has a beautiful luster, you can enjoy salon styled hair without spending a lot of time on it every day. The hair can also be ironed and dyed to any color of your choosing. Without tangles and shedding, you’ll be able to get out the door quickly and still look like a movie star.
Multi-Task in the Shower
If you enjoy starting your day with a luxurious shower, you may want to multi-task. Set up space where you can relax in the warm water and still adhere to your beauty ritual. Bring your toothbrush, shavers and face wash into the shower. As your hair is conditioning, you can take on the other tasks. Before you dry off, rub a skin moisturizer into your body before getting dressed.
Don’t Skip Breakfast
One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. Unfortunately, if you’re busy and running out of time, you may forego the critical nutrients. Because it can help fuel you for your day ahead, find foods that are healthy and easy to transport. From yogurt and fruit to a breakfast sandwich and microwaveable oatmeal bowls, there are a number of easy options that can tide you over until lunch. If you have children, it’s especially important that they are properly fed with nutritious fare before going off to school.
Pack Your Bag
A great deal of time each morning is typically spent searching for lost items. To help move your morning along, pack your back the evening before. This includes locating your essentials such as your laptop, keys, wallet, purse and sunglasses. If you brown bag it for lunch, pack your lunch before bedtime. When it’s time to leave in the morning, set out a post-it note that reminds you to take your treats.
Ditch the Distractions
An easy way to derail your well-planned morning routine is by getting distracted over Facebook or Twitter. With a simple click of a button, you could easily get lost in a sea of emails and text messages. To ensure that you stay on schedule, tuck your laptop, phone and other electronics away until you have free time later in your day.
Waking up can be a challenge all on its own. If you get up late, it can also set the tone for chaos and stress. The above tips will help you map out a plan and allow you to find ways to simplify your morning rituals.