Massage been around for thousands of years and in nearly every society, massage therapy is used to help relieve aches and pains, relax sore muscles, and help to heal musculoskeletal problems. There is a large percentage of the population that see a massage therapist regularly. They find that massage therapy is a welcome tool to combat against lots of ailments. For the average massage client, the experience is wonderful.
However massage can also be painful for those who have injuries and ailments. If you do have an injury, certain types of massage can actually exacerbate your injury and cause you more pain. If your injury or pain is to do with your back, you need to be very careful about the type of massage you receive. For those with an injured back, here are a few of the massage types that can take into account your injury and even help your back heal.
Remedial massage
Remedial massage is a medically certified type of massage that utilizes medical massage techniques to help heal any issues with your muscles, tendons, ligaments & joints. Remedial massage requires an understanding of the exact problems with the patron. Once the problems are understood, the remedial massage therapist designs a specific massage regimen built around the issues of the patient.
Remedial massage places a specific focus on healing and eliminating pain. Quite often a remedial massage therapist will have multiple degrees with different types of massage techniques at their disposal. If you suffer from back pain, seek out a remedial massage therapist for the best results.
Sport Massage
Sports massage is typically for those who are active in sports. Professional athletes all have sports massage therapists that they see on a regular basis. These professionals know that any injury can mean the end of your career so they work with a sports massage therapist to avoid injury.
A sports massage therapist will adjust a massage routine to take into account any injuries to the back. If you see a sports massage therapist, you should tell this person about any back injuries you may have and they will make the proper adjustments.
Thai Massage
Thai massage is known as one of the most deep and thorough massages you can try. If you only get a typical Thai massage, you might find yourself in more pain than when you arrived. However, well trained Thai massage therapists understand how to adjust their massage so that it helps with back pain. At the root of all massage, is the goal of soothing the muscles in addition to loosening joints. If you are seeing a Thai massage therapist, communicate that you have a delicate back. The therapist will then adjust the massage based on your back pain.
If you have any concerns about getting a massage with your delicate back, your best choice is to find a great remedial massage therapist.