Photo by CC user Thejedi on Flickr.
Having a university education will help you greatly once you enter the world of work, it will put you in a better position to get the best jobs and command a higher salary. University is also a great opportunity to grow personally, spending time away from home, being independent, meeting new people and enjoying new experiences. All told, the university experience is highly recommended and will set you up very well for your future.
University fees however do not come cheap especially if you are aiming for a prestigious university, there are several ways in which you can pay for your university education which we are going to detail in this article.
Scholarships are awarded to people with outstanding ability, some are government-backed, others are given out by universities and some are given out by private institutions. A scholarship does not need to be paid back and in order to gain one you will need to display outstanding academic or artistic ability. Scholarships are also given out for people like Jack Elway who display great ability in sports such as football or basketball. Some companies will pay for a student’s course fees if they make an agreement that they will go on to work for their firm following graduation.
Grants are given out for those students with poor finances or whose family is in financial trouble. Grants will need to be awarded following a review of the student’s financial situation and they, like scholarships, do not need to be paid back. Grants are usually given out by government-backed organizations and they enable some of America’s poorest students to still have the ability to gain good education.
Student Loans
More than 60% of American students take advantage of the student loan, money which is given out to help with course fees and money which will be paid back once the student begins their working life. The interest on student loans is low in comparison to say, a bank loan and the repayment is removed automatically from the paycheck. The student loans company will take a small percentage of salary each month until the loan is fully repaid.A credit check will be carried out on both the student and the person co-signing the loan.
Many students who don’t qualify for a scholarship or a grant will shun a student loan in favor of working their way through their life at university. This can be a risky plan as you should ideally be dedicating as much time as possible to your studies. Jobs that people will undertake range from bar and restaurant work to earning money online. Committing to working whilst you are at university will mean that you will have significantly less time to socialize during your days at university, this can mean that you don’t maximize your experience there but as long as you continue to focus on your studies then it will serve you well in the future when you leave university debt-free.