Photo Credit: Creative Commons
Holidays are happy, joyous events, things we pour over for months, planning and waiting in anticipation.
Everything will be perfect, right?
Well hopefully yes, but unfortunately things do go wrong occasionally, so it’s worthwhile taking a few moments out to try and prevent this happening as much as possible.
Keeping your stress down is an important first step, and as stressful as travel can be, it is possible to keep things calm. Driving yourself to the airport is a good way to remain chilled-out, as the control is firmly in your hands, and you’re not worrying about having to rely on others. I regularly use Gatwick Airport parking, and have never found one reason to complain, and always found many to compliment! You will find this service at most large UK airports, and I’ve booked it at several before and found the same high level of service, and low cost. I recently used Park BCP and the chilled-out start to my travel day certainly made sure I remained calm for the rest of the day.
Stress isn’t good for your health, so cutting that right down is a good start. Pre-holiday, always check that your immunisations are up to date, and find out if you need any extra ones for the destination you’re heading to, e.g. Kenya, the Gambia, South America, amongst other places, you’ll require specific immunisations. You may also need anti-malaria tablets, so check with your GP first for your requirements, and always do this in good time as you may need to take or have this for a specific amount of time before you travel.
Whilst you’re away, remember to avoid drinking tap water, and always drink bottled instead. This will go some way to avoiding the famous holiday upset stomach, and be aware of ice cubes made with tap water too. As for alcoholic drinks, be careful! Overseas measures are often stronger than we’re used to here in the UK, and you might not think you’re particularly drunk until you go to stand up! Just keep your wits about you and be sensible, whilst having fun, and you’ll be fine.
Remember to book your travel insurance, declaring any pre-existing medical conditions, and take the certificate and phone number with you. Keep it in your hand luggage, not your suitcase, because if your suitcase goes missing and you want to claim, how are you going to call them if the paperwork is in your case?!
It’s simply a case of being aware of your limitations, not doing anything silly because you’re out of your comfort zone and it’s easy to forget about personal safety, and making sure you’re covered with your insurance for any activity you do.
Other than that, enjoy, you’re on holiday!