Just because you’re going on holiday doesn’t mean that you intend to be unplugged the whole while. Get all the latest tech gadgets that you’ve been wanting through a sell my PC service, and then make sure you take them along. Here’s your holiday tech packing list.

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Smartphones made for the jaunt.
No matter if you carry an iPhone, an Android, a Galaxy or any of the other myriad smartphone models made to run your life — going on holiday without it is impossible! If you’re like most travellers, you’ll no doubt use your phone to check on hotel reservations, confirm flight times, find nearby restaurants or even plan your itinerary. But when it comes to sheer utility, you may want to tap into a different kind of travel phone, like the SpareOne mobile phone. This beauty uses a single AA-sized battery and can send for help from anywhere on the globe, making it a great backup phone.
A digital camera with instant upload.
No traveller leaves home without a way to save all the memories made on holiday. If your smartphone’s camera just doesn’t cut it and you’re looking for a small digital camera, try the Polaroid iM 1836 Snap on for size. This model actually performs the same functions as your smartphone while taking vibrant, crisp photos. Just use the 30mm optical zoom lens to snap photos, and then you can upload them to Facebook, Twitter or Instagramusing the camera’s Jelly Bean OS (Android users should be familiar).
A gadget to keep your luggage on track.
Because you want to keep track of all the other awesome gadgets you’re packing, it’s a good idea to get a luggage tracker. With a small gps system, Trackdot Luggage Tracker will make sure that you never worry about lost or stolen baggage again.
A travel charger that can keep you connected.
If you still haven’t quite bested the smartphone battery life conundrum that leaves many travellers without enough juice to run their apps, make calls and surf the internet, help is here. Try a small travel charger that is a breeze to pack and easy to use. If you’re an Apple junkie, you’ve probably got a travel-worthy charger on hand, but if you have a different device or you’re looking for backups, try the Mushroom GreenZero Travel Charger. Not only is it lightweight and small but it also protects your devices for overcharging, which could save you even more battery life.
Your own personal wireless network.
It can be romantic to picture yourself at a quaint cafe with a warm drink and free WIFI during your travels, but what if there’s no time since you’re on the go? Renting a wireless hotspot is affordable and easy.