After the failure of Creamfields festival last summer due to adverse weather conditions, you can’t help but wonder why we Brits pay so much money to go sit in a field, in the rain, drinking watered down beer and being so far back into the crowd you cannot tell if it’s Pete Doherty on stage or just the roadie. Have you ever walked across a campsite on the final day of a festival? It’s like a grave yard for tents. There are broken, leaking tents can be seen scattered and abandoned for as far as your weary festival eyes can see. It’s time that those with the means to do so, go and compare caravan insurance online and spend this summer’s festivals dry and comfortable.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons
Caravans have many benefits over a tent. Yes, there is the obvious price difference, but gone are the days when you could leave your tent unzipped and not have to worry about thieves. Nowadays, festival goers are often victims to theft and vandalism with the culprit rarely getting caught. Zipping shut and locking your tent only makes it look more appealing to potential thieves who will simply take a knife to your tent to see what you’re trying to protect, a camera? Wallet? Phone? Choosing a caravan gives you added security and peace of mind with many hidden compartments to store your belongings.
Feeling hungry? Well for £6 you can get a burger, need a refreshing drink? Get a small bottle of coke for £3. Over-priced and under quality festival food is notoriously bad. People can argue you can cook a meal using a small camping stove but keeping your groceries in a dirty, humid tent for a few days doesn’t make for the best meal. With a caravan, you’ve got a fridge and if you’re lucky, a freezer too. Take a break from the madness around you, plan your day accordingly and get a good-filling meal, the best thing to set you up for a day of music and booze!
Festivals, as fun as they may be, aren’t the most hygienic places around. As the days pass those long drops and portaloo’s become increasingly disgusting. Even the pay-to-poo “luxury” loos don’t hold up well by the final day of the festival. With a caravan, you don’t have this issue. A private toilet for just you and your company, it really makes the difference when the rain is pouring down and you’re starting to think maybe £230 is a bit much to pay considering you’re sat in a plastic box where 56,000 others may have also sat. With a caravan, you get a home comfort when you need it most.
Best of all, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people in the caravan site. There’ll be no boozed up teenagers swearing and puking up next to your home for the next few days, you’ll be immersed in a community who will watch out for you and your belongings. You’ll meet some great friends here and you’ll do it all in the comfort of your own home away from home