Vet Recommended Dog Beds Means Your Pooch Will Live Longer

Your dog’s health is important because, like most people, you love your pet and want them to live a long and happy life free from debilitating diseases. The reality is that many dog breeds encounter problems with joint and bone conditions later in life. As a dog gets older, they often develop skeletal ailments like Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OCD), arthritis, elbow disease, Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), and hip dysplasia. But the good news is that an orthopedic bed from a caring pet bed provider can help your dog enjoy its later years in comfort.

Selecting proper dog beds is important for the long term health of your pet

Dog beds are available in all sizes and shapes and there are thousands of them to choose from. Dogs, just like people, have different needs based on their personalities and body shape — and especially their breed. Large breeds like Daschunds, Newfoundlands, the ever-popular Great Danes and labs of all stripes are likely to encounter some form of displeasure.You should make sure that the dog bed manufacturer has been offering comfort to special needs dogs, puppies, adults, and seniors for over 20 years. Visit to see which breeds of dog are most susceptible and which kinds of beds will work the best to alleviate their discomfort. Your dog’s health depends on the right provider who can answer all your questions without pushing any particular brands.

Giving a dog a bed of their own provides support for their joints and bones, makes them feel more secure and helps to keep them warm. Just as the right bed can help your aging parents, so too can the right bed help your aging pooch. The experts at Mammoth Outlet recommend you look for these benefits when searching for the right bed:

  • If you keep your dog outside, they need a bed to lie on instead of a hard dog house floor so the right bed must be able to handle the outdoors, and be water and mildew resistant, and made from industrial strength materials such as canvas, Micro-fibers, or Cordera,
  • An anti-odor, top brand fabric protector,
  • Cushioning for your dog’s bones and joints — this is especially important for older dogs who may have arthritis, be older or overweight. For these older dogs, vets recommend orthopedic dog beds,
  • High grade memoryfoam upholstery fiber,
  • Removable covers with a convenient Velcro system for machine washing,
  • A durable polypropylene liner, and
  • A removable othopedic bed pillow.

Don’t waste your money on cheap dog beds. Cheap, low quality beds quickly deteriorate and do not offer any long-term benefits. You should buy a high quality bed; it may enable your dog to live longer. Make sure that you choose dog beds that will support your dog’s entire body, as well. Measure your dog from nose to tail; that gives you the length of the dog. Then, measure her when she is lying down and spread out and measure from her paws to the top of her back. This will allow a dog bed provider like Mammoth Outlet to find the perfect bed for your pet. Get dog beds that are at least 5 inches longer and wider. This way you will get a bed that is proportional to the dog’s size. Your dog’s bed should be just big enough for your dog to stretch out. Dogs age quicker than we do, so it’s even more important to provide dogs with a comfortable, safe, dry place to sleep if you want them to enjoy a full, long life.