Photo by CC user Becky Stern on Flickr.
Getting rid of unnecessary stuff and make piles
Your main goal at this point is to get rid of as much things as possible. Movers from Regina, Saskatchewan highly recommend making three piles of all your things. The easiest way is to walk along all the rooms in the house and separate the items into three piles:
- Keep
- Donate
- Toss
Check all the items you have; and if you have not used something for a year or so, then just give it away or simply toss. Jenny Handorway, an expert from a moving company in Regina, advises to involve the whole family into this process so they would follow the rule and sort out their own stuff. And a one more important thing:
if you hesitate whether to keep or toss one thing do not and toss it.
Ask for Help
All skilled movers recommend call on your friends and family or professional service companies. Remember, that your friends and family will always be anxious to help out. So before asking for a help make a detailed plan of what you exactly need from each of them.
But at the same time any service professional mover is always ready to help out. You can get best quotes for moving from Regina in order to choose the most appropriate company for your relocation. Professional movers can always be called in to help with partial or entire household packing. Some companies in Regina will even organize a garage sale for you.
At the same time many charity organizations will be happy to pick up your unwanted stuff. If you have a big pile for donation or you want to give your old but in good condition furniture, call for non-profit organizations and usually they will pick up all your items, saving your time and energy. Before calling anyone make sure that you have organized all you items so you will not have to go through the same procedure again. But calling and setting a pick-up date and time helps a lot because in this way your time for sorting is limited and you can reach your desired goal much faster. And always remember, that some charity companies have specific dates for pick-up.
Packing Your Stuff
When it comes to packing, get packing supplies. Boxes are the easiest and most convenient thing to pack your stuff in; but in case you are moving with a very short timeline, then it is highly recommended to get the boxes and special packing supplies directly from a moving store. This step will save you a lot of time spent on hunting for suitable enough used old boxes. At the same time you can ask a mover to give you special plastic bins for the packing needs.
Start packing
By this time all your stuff is ready to be packed and you can start the packing process with the pile of “keep” items. Always keep in mind that some large appliances can require special preparation.
Bryant Edwards is established as a content producer for a number of digital content hubs (comprising businesses like Movers from Regina, Saskatchewan), who shares opinion on a variety of moving services subjects and matters alike. A proud vagabond of digital community and an influencer in everything related to the moving services.
Vic’s the Moving Man – Moving Company Regina
608 Forget St
S4T 4X2
(306) 533-5839