It might still be warm outside right now, but cooler weather is on the way. That means hunting season is right around the corner.
Are you getting your hunting gear ready to bag a trophy buck this year? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, millions of hunting will be flooding the woods in search of prime deer habitat.
One of the best ways to increase the odds of bagging a big buck is by leasing hunting land. After all, private land gives you a better chance of a successful hunt. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for help.
This article takes a look at finding hunting locations where deer are plentiful. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.
Understanding the Types of Leases
First, let’s discuss the different types of lease options that you’ll typically encounter.
Leasing farmland is one of the most common ways for hunters to enjoy prime hunting real estate. After all, most farmers can’t use their entire spread of land for crops year-round. This provides dormant acreage that they can still make money from by leasing it to hunters.
You can also lease wooded land that’s too rocky, steep, or dense for farming. Timber areas might be utilized for purposes such as logging, but landowners are also typically open to leasing in order to maximize profits on otherwise dormant land.
Species-specific leases provide the opportunity for hunters to lease land to hunt a particular species such as geese, deer, or rabbits. Every landowner is different and thus might limit what they are willing to let you harvest on their property. Are you a turkey hunter? If so, you might locate a land lease opportunity that provides access to acreage that offers a dense turkey population.
A farmer might also have ponds on their property that would be ideal for ducks or geese, and yet not allow deer hunting. The key is to always ask for specifics before signing a hunting lease.
Benefits of Lease Hunting Land
One of the biggest challenges for every hunter is the risk of trespassing. After all, not every plot of privately-owned land is effectively marked. Thus you might run the risk of being prosecuted or at least fined.
Paying for a lease is a quick and easy way to eliminate the risk of trespassing, and you’ll have the freedom to hunt knowing you have the landowner’s blessing.
You’ll also have access to land that isn’t overly hunted. This means that the animal population will likely be denser and give you a greater chance for a successful hunt.
Leasing land will also allow you to develop a relationship with landowners, which can be helpful when it comes to future hunting opportunities.
How to Find Land Available for Leasing
The key to finding a quality hunting lease is to research landowners in your area and to make pilot inquiries into their willingness to allow respectful hunters to pay for the privilege of hunting on their land.
You could also use a resource like HLRBO.
An Outdoorsman’s Guide to Leasing Hunting Land
There’s nothing better than spending time in the great outdoors. Fortunately, this guide to leasing hunting land will make the upcoming hunting season the best experience ever.
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