The Party Planner’s Guide to Hosting the Best Outdoor Party This Winter

Who said the party stops after the summer? While the colder months might send a chill down the spine of the fervent party host, there’s no reason to pack in your poppers any time soon. July doesn’t have to be an indoor experience, and we’re here to help you put on the hottest party this winter season.


Hiring a Marquee

A perfect protection against the elements, a marquee can keep your guests away from the wind while still enjoying the outdoor experience. Marquee hire by Open Air Events offers options both simple and varied, with styles and sizes to suit any space through rain or shine. The great appeal of a marquee is that it’s an easy setup for durable protection, so you won’t have to worry about weather getting through, or a big project to dismantle the morning after. From DJs to dining, a marquee is the best choice for any cool occassion.

Eat For the Occasion

You never want to have an uncatered gathering, and bringing hot or spicy food into the equation can be just the thing to keep people in the partying spirit. Most finger foods can fit the bill, and usually involve little preparation that would otherwise take you from your hosting duties. However, if you want to add an extra layer of simplicity, there are a plethora of options when it comes to winter catering and taking the stress out of satisfying your guests appetites.


Not just for camping, a bonfire can become a warm focal point very quickly as guests flock to the comfy glow. While not being as ideal when faced with rain, an open-air fire can be just the thing to get your guests out into the moonlight or a chilled night. Setting up some surrounding chairs can give your guests a place to unwind, and help you forget about the frozen air.

Winter Cocktails

What’s better than a hot beverage on a cold night? There are more options when it comes to party pleasers than one might think, and a warm cocktail can be just the thing for chasing away the winter blues. If you’re looking for a simple staple to serve, the Peppermint Patty mixes hot chocolate with a few splashes of peppermint schnapps, and can be a more interesting and fitting replacement for the white wine spritzers of summer shindigs.

If alcohol isn’t in your sights, having some sweet drinks such as hot chocolates and chai for people to warm up with can keep your guests from freezing over in the August air.

Heat Lamps

A simple solution to one of the more complicated problems with cold in the great outdoors, heat lamps can be set up anywhere, and provide a passive heat for semi-exposed spaces so that you can get the best of both the inside and outside world. Make sure that you take into consideration how you space your lamps out, otherwise you might find a lot of empty corners as people huddle with the heaters.

Offer Options

While this may not always be possible, making sure your guests have places to go is a great way to keep things interesting and exciting. While this can be difficult if your guests aren’t game to brave the cold, getting an extra marquee or heated area where they can get away from the hustle and bustle of the party can keep your friends happy and ready for the rest of the night’s festivities.

Keep Things Consistent

As much as we all might miss the summer warmth, sometimes it’s best to work with what you have, and as it’s getting colder, it can be a great time to pull out the bundles and blankets for a true winter shindig to remember. Winter is a time of understated colours and lights, and a comfortable, chilled out vibe to complement the icy surroundings might be the best thing to give your partygoers a good time.

It’s never a bad time of year to party, and as long as you’re prepared for the weather, winter can still pack a punch for any grand plans.