Category: Money

Biggest Gambling Nations in the World in 2016

  Different countries have different approach to casinos and casino gaming. In most countries though, it is legal to play casino games for real money both in conventional casinos as well as online. Some countries have stricter policies, whereas other…

Trying to save energy? Some measures you’ll want to consider

It’s no secret that we use way too much energy, especially in the United States. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, the total annual per-capita energy consumption in the US is 98,814 kilowatt hours every year. Compare this to…

How does a title loan work?

Image by  www.SeniorLiving.Org Do you find yourself in need of some liquidity these days? If you do, and other sources of capital have been slammed shut (family, friends, banks, etc), then it’s understandable that you might feel that you have no…

Tips to End the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle

Life is exciting at the beginning of your career. You’ve got disposable income for the first time in your life, and you want to spend it! Nights out, new clothes, vacations … But you also have to pay essential bills,…

Tips for financing your next trip

One of the toughest, most challenging, and most stress inducing steps in taking that big vacation you have always dreamed of is getting the money to do so. Few people are born into money so they must borrow the necessary money…

Smart Financial Decision to Start The New Year

A new year is a great time to start over. Many people resolve to exercise more, lose weight or take some other action to live better. One resolution that can have a long-term positive impact is to save more money….