Photo by CC user Babowlz on Flickr.
In a utopian world every commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components regardless of their application should provide the perfect performance and be made just of the right size and shape. Unfortunately, in reality pretty much any design involves some trade-offs and lots of compromise. With no doubt, sometimes this process goes painless and requires only some minor give on low-priority parameters. But in many cases the leap is so big that the whole piece should be completely altered. As a result of such misconceptions lots of projects get sidetracked and producers have to surf through the internet searching for the right piece and call around for catalogs, desperately looking for the needed products. With the help of customized machining all these unnecessary steps can be easily avoided.
Custom brings benefits
Most frequently when people hear about custom machining or are advised to check CNC machine service they believe that this is extremely time consuming and expensive. Luckily to you, it is not and does not have to be so. To put it simple experts explain that customization involves a vendor who is modifying its COTS products in order to save an OEM time, headaches, and cost.
One of the most common examples that professionals usually give is about adding cables to a motor. As you might know, most motors come with bare terminals, so users have to connect these cables themselves. Being a simple task it appears to be not as simple as seems to. For instance, if you bend the terminal only once it will not pose a great problem but if it is bended at least two times it will break. In general, and according to the rules, the motor is to be sent back for repair; however, if such a situation happens on a busy production floor then the motor can simply be discarded.
It happens sometimes that soldering applies too much heat to a terminal and as a result the motor’s brushes burn up. Basically in this case a valuable component is turned into a paperweight. Anyway, the manufacturer ends up losing money twice: once to get the machines working again and again on production time lost.
If, however, all the parts and details were manufactured by custom drafts and according to special requirements, all of these problems could have been avoided without any troubles. In many cases even minor modifications to the existing parts are all that is required for customization. Professional suppliers with skilled machinists and the proper tools can modify all sorts of details and motor assemblies by simply adding several details. With pro help of machine service experts there is no need to break your head over solving the problem, because everything will be done for you!
Glenn Welch is a content producer for a line of Internet content networks (featuring businesses like Collisongoll.com offering custom machining), who covers a range of machinery themes and other matters alike. A committed nomad of Internet community and an opinion builder in anything of significance to the machinery.
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M9L 1Y4